Five-year program No. 1
In November 2008, amendment no. 2 to the concession agreement set out a new investment program, with the cost shared between the State and CAMRAIL.
The program consisted of the following works:
- Renewal of the Batchenga - Ka'a section (from KP 319 to KP 457, i.e. 138 km);
- Renewal of Douala (17 km) and Yaoundé (20 km) entrances and exits, 350,000 meters of 54-kg rail;
- Equipping with bi-block sleepers.
During PQ1, CAMRAIL, with the support of the State, reopened and exploited the Ebaka quarry, producing the ballast and bi-block sleepers required for the track.

KFW Program
It was launched before the concession was granted and ran from 1999 to 2002. The following projects were carried out:
- Rehabilitation of the Yaoundé - Batchenga section (from KP 275 to KP 319, i.e. 44 km);
- Equipping with 54 Kg rails ;
- Total rehabilitation with wooden sleepers.
Priority Investment Programs (PIP) and Emergency Investment Programs (PIU)
They were deployed between 1999 and 2008. The concession agreement signed on January 19, 1999 provided for the deployment of an initial five-year investment program (amended by a rider dated December 15, 1999) comprising two components:
- Emergency Investment Program (PIU) of 7.6 billion FCFA, self-financed in 1999/2000 ;
- Priority Investment Program (PIP) of 34.4 billion FCFA, financed to the tune of 26.7 billion FCFA by donors and 7.7 billion FCFA self-financed, to be carried out between 2000 and 2005. A total of 42 billion FCFA.
These programs, launched in 2002 and implemented between 2002 and 2007, involved renewing the Ka'a - Bélabo section (KP 446 to KP 556)
i.e. 110 Km) and the fitting out of 30 Kg and 54 Kg rails. The initial budget increased from 42 billion FCFA to 62.1 billion FCFA, of which :
- 15.6 billion for the PIU and PIC (Programme d'Investissements Complémentaires) ;
- 46.5 billion under the PIP.
The PIP was completed at the end of 2008. At that date, CAMRAIL had invested nearly 100 billion FCFA (excluding start-up costs of 4 billion FCFA and the purchase of rolling stock from the former régie for 24 billion FCFA).
On the Bélabo - Pangar section (PK 556 and PK 697), CAMRAIL proceeded with reinforcement, selecting rails and sleepers recovered from the Ka'a - Bélabo section (30 kg), and proceeding with re-ballasting and heavy mechanical tamping. Between Pangar and N'Gaoundéré (PK 697 and PK 884), CAMRAIL continued its heavy and routine maintenance operations.
In December 2001, an amendment No. 2 was signed, taking into account the delays accumulated in the mobilization of external loan funds (IDA-AFD-BEI), the state of the infrastructure, and traffic trends and prospects.